The Happyhills Homicide Game Online Free

We all sometimes want to let off steam, tear off someone’s head in a fit of irritation or anger? The main thing is that all these signs of irritation do not result in real illegal acts. And so that these “dreams” do not cross the line of what is permitted, we have computer games. In them we can always find what we need.

Computer stories become an outlet in almost any situation and almost every person. The Happyhills Homicide is not suitable for fans of difficult missions. On the contrary, everything is simple. Step by step, climb into someone else’s house and personify retribution.

A slightly comical form and 2D graphics make such murders funny and even unsightly. Help with training – they tell you how to play the killer correctly. Have you decided to feel the role of a maniac yourself? No matter how pacifist users are, the application impresses them. And not so much by the numerous and mostly brutal murders themselves. And the atmosphere, the thoughtfulness of each crime, sophistication.

One of the tasks involves secrecy in actions – you need to sneak through the whole house at night to a place where you will need to commit some terrible deeds. It is not always possible to complete this task the first time. It turned out to be quite difficult to sneak past a bunch of relatives at night, who, on that very night, were impatient to walk around the house and the surrounding area.

The atmosphere, of course, is not for everyone. Oddly enough, neither the graphics, which by today’s standards are already outdated, nor the fact that you are still a maniac, and a serial one, are not deterred here. These brutal murders themselves did not scare away. Rather, it was even amused how the main character looks at the camera with an innocent look, as if wanting to say: what have I got to do with it? It’s not me!

Even the worst is funny

Some tasks forced me to strain my brain to understand exactly how to do what is required. In most cases, make sure that you have an extremely rich imagination and just an incredibly inventive mind. Well, still, you are now a real devil! It would be foolish to expect anything else from him.

The Happyhills Homicide features cutscenes between episodes. They tell us what happens in the house after another murder has been committed. They show how the stupid police conduct a stupid investigation aimed at finding the killer. But all this is tinsel. Watching this is also interesting in its own way.

Toward the end of the screensaver, they become more and more exciting, the situation thickens, heats up, as much as breath locks from what is happening. Therefore, I want to go through the last chapters as soon as possible.