The Happyhills Homicide 2 Game Online Free

There is some event that abruptly turns the life of our hero. From this moment the story begins. The atmosphere of the game – it becomes gloomy and depressing, some kind of viscous and painful. And (you may not believe it) – it attracts. That’s exactly what this story needs.

The peaceful life of one small American town was disrupted by the appearance of a serial killer who chose exceptional people as victims. Why exactly them? Find your own logic. The plot develops at a moderate pace, and with every second, as we approach – millimeter by millimeter – to the main clue, you are already eager for the denouement in impatience.

Well, who is this person? The Happyhills Homicide leads the player by the nose, towards the middle you begin to suspect everyone already, peer into the faces of all the characters, and the nerves from this only become more shattered. The application is definitely one of those from which it is very difficult to break away.

Sometimes you even sacrifice your sleep and allow yourself to stay up late. We need to get closer to the solution, at least for a while! The atmosphere is conveyed amazingly: scenery invariably flickers against the background. The music is perfectly matched to the situation, the visuals and the emotions of the characters are made as cool as if you are watching an animated film.

Key points before committing a crime

If you think that all the laurels for catching a criminal will go to the character who was conceived by the creators, then you are mistaken. Here’s another plus: the player himself decides who in this story will be saved, and who will be much less lucky.

Focus solely on your likes and dislikes and develop the story the way you like! Before you start, you need to understand the level of difficulty. Simple controls to move the character and make a series of swings – that’s all you need. Enjoy 2D rendering to make the story even more interesting.

It’s like a development from the past, which skillfully breaks into the genre with its plot. The stakes are very high. It is important to press the keys on time and correctly. Otherwise, for one of the characters, the fight will be over. The Happyhills Homicide is not obsessive or violent. Rather a comical way to complete tasks and pass the time. Sometimes cool helps as an anti-stress.