The Happyhills Homicide Full Game Game Online Free

Pleasant visuals and conscientiously worked out locations – all this is in this game. Up to the detailed sets of weapons and facial expressions of the victims. The maniac has a fairly typical depressive image of a person who has lost everything.

You will not find any noticeable and catchy strokes in his character. Moments with killings, where the breath was taken away, history gave in abundance. You experience a lot of emotions from the passage, so that the impressions remain diverse.

This is a plot that draws in and does not let go; it is also a magnificent atmosphere of tragedy and hopelessness, warmed up by excellent musical accompaniment and noise. These are the characters – they are all different and all cause different opinions about themselves. Well, the plot is clear to many after the splash screen. Horrors are happening in the city, children and people are disappearing.

Something unknown and terrible is happening. The genre of interactive horror allows the player to watch what is happening on the screen and the fate of the characters depends on his choices. There will be a development of the plot and what kind of ending. Events are developing very quickly, unpredictably. Not every solution will give the desired result. More emotions, more experiences. Less drama and action.

The Happyhills Homicide completely captures the player. Not a moment of peace. The atmosphere in the game is terrible (meaning beautiful), everything is very depressing and somehow hopeless. The main character very deeply absorbed the depressive atmosphere that the developers so obviously tried to convey to the players. So after a long process, you literally feel like a participant in all those events. And itโ€™s just mesmerizing.

The simplest is the most incredible

The process itself stands out. The simplest graphics do not distract with unnecessary decorations. Even vice versa. The simplicity of the image will focus on finding the entrance to the house and finding a way to kill the victim. The developers have tried to make the commission of murders, all kinds of fights and brawls as realistic as possible. And finally the most amazing!

Each, absolutely each of your decisions and actions (or, of course, inaction) affects the plot and, of course, the ending. The easier it is to look at The Happyhills Homicide, the easier the plot itself is perceived. Sometimes it even seems that you are playing and solving an ordinary puzzle. Only this time by means of murder or the desire to scare the death.